1. The purpose of the hot rolling mill
The finishing mill group is composed of top crossed 45° High-speed wire-rod finishing mills.
The finishing mill group is located in high-speed wire-rod workshop. Through 10 unit rack the continuous micro-tension rolling mill will be transported upstream Æ 17 ~ Æ 21mm of rolling, rolling become Æ 5.5 ~ Æ 16mm finished wire. The working speed of 90m/s is insured. The specification of end product is Æ 5.5mm.
2. Parameters of the hot rolling mill
Material specification: Æ 17~21mm
Material temperature: >900º C
Produce specification: Æ 5.5~16mm
The kinds of rolling steel: Carbon steel, low alloy steel, high alloy steel, high-quality carbon structural steel
Speed of the exit of tenth frame: 75m/s
3. Our service
Machinery and equipment we can service for you:
High speed wire rod rolling mills,
High speed deformed rebar rolling mills,
Roughing rolling mills, intermediate rolling mills, pre-finishing rolling mills and finishing rolling mills,
Spare parts required in rolling mill production line.
Design, install, debug, after sales service overseas as customers' request
We customize the products according to the customers' requirements.
If you are not sure about the exact product you want,
We can give you some advices, according to your factory's area, annual capacity, raw material, your finished products.
We provide the methods of the maintenance of products.
Engineers are available to service machinery overseas.
4. FAQ
We are willing to cooperate with friends in the industry all over the world!
Please tell me some details as follows, so I can suggest you the suitable machine and quotation.
What's the raw material and what's the size of it? (width and thickness)
What's the finished product and what's the size of it? (width and thickness)
What's the annual capacity of your plan?
I really appreciate it if you spend a few minutes answering those questions. We look forward to hearing from you.